Liability and information according to § 5 TMG
ZUB Systems GmbH
Bettenhäuser Str. 4
34123 Kassel
Tel: 0561 / 57 990 110
Fax: 0561 / 57 990 120
Email: info@zub-systems.de
Legal form and representation:
ZUB Systems GmbH is a company with limited liability. Managing directors are Mr. Wolfgang Hege and Mr. Raimund Käser.
Commercial Register of the Company:
Registration office: Amtsgericht Kassel
Registration Nr.: HRB 15656
VAT identification number. gem. § 27 a) UStG:
DE 279 703 031
Person responsible for content per § 6 MDStV:
Wolfgang Hege and Raimund Käser
Liability note:
ZUB Systems GmbH accepts no liability for the content of external links. All links from this website to third-party internet sites only refer to the fact that additional information is available there. The content of linked pages is the sole responsibility of their operators.